If you have a wood burner, you might know the challenge of finding the right firewood. No matter how long you search, you will remain short of finding the perfect wood. As a user, your primary requirement is to light the brightest fire that heats your room properly.

Look for the Finest Quality Logs

Whether you have used wood burners for a long time or are a newbie, you might face some challenges in kindling the fire. To mitigate the problem, you should purchase the finest quality hardwood logs. Consulting a reliable supplier can be highly beneficial.

Hardwood Log Kindling Factors: Things to Consider

To properly light a fire with hardwood logs, you should follow the vital tips mentioned below.

Store the Logs Properly: The way you store firewood impacts its burning properties. A thumb rule is to keep the stack of wood above ground level. This has been followed since time immemorial to protect the logs from moisture. Keep enough space between each log piece for effective ventilation. When you store them outside your property, shelter them with a tarp or a shed.

Kindle Fire Appropriately: Considering the right size for kinder wood is vital for kindling proper fire. The dimensions of the wood should match the fireplace stove and the area where the fire is to be arranged. Determine the number of logs needed to produce the right amount of fire. Placing large pieces in a small burner can douse the fire quickly.

Maintaining Proper Balance: Consider three vital factors while kindling a fire on your wood burner: heat, air, and fuel. When placed at a distance, the pieces of wood tend to burn out. Again, when they are close to each other, the fire gets suffocated and, as a result, douses down. Add one log after another once the fire has darkened enough.

Check the Chimney: Chimneys play a major role in kindling proper fire in your home. The chimney may require frequent maintenance if you use moist logs. Ensure the damper is wide open before you light a fire. A clogged chimney can spread deadly fumes inside your home and cause suffocation.

These are a few vital things to follow while using hardwood logs for kindling fire. To heat your property conveniently, you can source the woods from a reliable supplier like Kane Coal. Make us your trusted confidante for any kind of fuel delivery needs. To learn more, visit our website today.